(Updated 23 April 2024)
Prof. Geert Houben
TNO and University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands
Prof. Joe Baumert
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Dr Marty Blom
TNO, the Netherlands
Dr Katrine Lindholm Bøgh
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Dr Hongbing Chen
Nanchang University, China
Dr Melanie Downs
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Dr Michelle Epstein
Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Prof. Johan Garssen
Danone Global Research & Innovation Center and Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Todd D. Green, MD
DBV Technologies, USA
Lotte Neergaard Jacobsen
Arla Food Ingredients, Denmark
Dr Jasmine Lacis-Lee
Allergen Bureau, Australia
Dr Stefano Luccioli
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
Dr Linda Monaci
Ronald Niemeijer
R-Biopharm, Germany
Dr Sophie Nutten
Nestlé, Switzerland
Dr Bert Popping
FOCOS, Germany
Dr Paul Turner
Imperial College London, UK